Safety Net Financing Overview

NAPH is committed to helping ensure that safety net health systems have adequate resources to respond to the needs of their patients and communities. To that end, NAPH advocates on behalf of safety net hospitals on Capitol Hill. To learn more about NAPH’s specific advocacy efforts to secure adequate safety net financing please visit our Advocate section. Additionally, NAPH works closely with the Administration to ensure that the unique needs of vulnerable patients are met as the Affordable Care Act continues to be implemented. NAPH regularly responds to calls for comment issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Learn More

  • NAPH Entitlement Reform Principles

    In anticipation of debate on entitlement reform, including important discussions that could fundamentally alter the Medicaid and Medicare programs, the NAPH Policy Advisory Committee developed principles to frame the association's position during these upcoming discussions.

  • What is a Safety Net Hospital?

    Safety Net hospitals and health systems provide care to low-income, uninsured, and vulnerable populations. They are distinguished by their commitment to provide access to care for people with limited or no access to health care. Learn more about what it takes to be a safety net hospital.
